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German-African Agribusiness Forum

Datum: 20.01.2022 - 20.12.2021


German-African Agribusiness Forum



Web: https://www.agribusiness-africa.de/startseite/

Afrika-Verein (German-African Business Association) and GAA – German Agribusiness Alliance are pleased to invite you to the 8th German-African Agribusiness Forum Blueprints for Successful Agriculture in Africa on January 20th, 2022, virtual event. The agriculture sector also coined as the primary sector is the most essential of many African economies – the Covid-19 pandemic has proven that once more. Disruptions in the agriculture value chains leading to surging food prices and shortages result in consequences which hit people most directly. While the demand in other sectors crumbled, the agriculture sector proofed to be the most resilient one. This does not only show us the importance of agriculture in Africa but also its potential for successful investments. We decided to go one step further. Instead of looking on potentials only, we want to demonstrate how to seize these potentials by showcasing successful investments and strategies. Therefore, the German-African Agribusiness Forum 2022 focusses on Blueprints for Successful Agriculture in Africa by looking at the topics: Best-Practice and Take-Aways: Learning from Successful Investments in Africa Frameworks: Factors Making Agriculture in Africa a Success Innovative Concepts: Adapting Business Approaches to Africa Due to the ongoing special situation regarding COVID-19 the 8th edition of the GAAF will take place online again, making the conference even more accessible to hundreds of companies from all over the world.