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University of Agriculture in Krakow - 31120 Kraków

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Agrifinder-Nr.: 1951



University of Agriculture in Krakow

Straße: Al. Mickiewicza 21
Ort: 31120 Kraków
Telefon: (+49) 012 / 6624255
Fax.: (+49) 012 / 6336245
E-Mail: rector@ar.krakow.pl
Homepage: http:/ / www.ar.krakow.pl/

University of Agriculture in Krakow
First attempts at teaching agriculture as a university subject were made in Poland by the end of the 18th century. In 1776 Rev. Hugo KoÅ‚Å‚štaj suggested forming the Chair of Agronomy as a part of projected reform of the Main Royal School (SzkoÅ‚a GÅ‚owna Koronna). The Chair of Farming established in 1806 existed only for three years. Subsequent numerous endeavours aimed at reviving agricultural studies within the Krakow Academy proved futile. Only in 1890 the 3-year Agronomy Studies were formed at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow in 1923 changed into the Faculty of Agriculture at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

The Second World War inhibited successful development of the Faculty. During the Nazi occupation agricultural studies were conducted in conspiracy. After the war the Faculty resumed its activities, modified its structure and finally in 1946 was changed to the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. Three years later in 1949 a separate Faculty of Forestry was established at the University but unfortunately the enrolment of students to this Faculty was stopped in 1951. The Faculty of Agriculture provided the basis for the College of Agriculture in Krakow founded in 1953 and played a crucial role in educating students and researchers who greatly contributed to the University development and establishing the other faculties within its structure. In 1972 the College of Agriculture changed its status to the Agricultural University and the Senate named it after Hugo KoÅ‚Å‚štaj - the precursor of agricultural sciences in Poland.

Some more important dates in the university history
1776 - Postulated foundation of the Chair of Agronomy at the Krakow Academy
1806 - 1809 - Chair of Farming 1
890 - 1923
- Agronomy Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University of Krakow
1923 - Faculty of Agriculture at the Jagiellonian University
1946 - 1949 - Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry at the Jagiellonian University
1949 - Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Forestry at the Jagiellonian University
1953 - 1972
- College of Agriculture
1972 - Agricultural University in Krakow

History of Faculties foundation
1953 - Faculty of Animal Husbandry (present: Faculty of Animal Sciences)
1955 - Faculty of Land Reclamation (present: Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Surveying)
1963 - Faculty of Forestry (reopened)
1968 - Faculty of Horticulture
1973 - Branch Faculty of Economics and Agricultural Turnover in Rzeszów (became a part of the University of Rzeszów in 2001)
1977 - Faculty of Technics and Energetics in Agriculture (present: Faculty of Agricultural Engineering)
1994 - Faculty of Food Technology
1999 - Interfaculty Study of Biotechnology

Zugriffszähler: 2061




Agrarwirtschaft Hochschule Forsttechnik Biotechnologie Forstwirtschaft Landwirtschaft Lebensmittel Umwelt Tierhaltung Forschung Gartenbau Agrarwissenschaft Universität Tierproduktion Landtechnik Waldwirtschaft Wissenschaft

Agrarwissenschaftliche Gymnasien
Institute / Fachgebiete
Ökologischer Landbau
Agrarpolitik / Agrarökonomie
Biotechnologie / Verfahrenstechnik
Bodenkunde / Standortlehre
Pflanzenbau / Pflanzenzüchtung
Pflanzenproduktion Tropen / Subtropen
Tierernährung / Tiergesundheit
Tierhaltung / Tierzucht
Tierproduktion Tropen / Subtropen
Sonstige Fachgebiete
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